2013년 1월 12일 토요일

2013 Youth Song Album (Download All)


Download songs from the 2013 Strength of Youth album, written entirely by youth.
  Download the entire album

1. “Stand” by Megan Sackett

2. “It's a Good Start” by James Warren

3. “Joy of Life” by Savanna Liechty and Hayden Gillies

4. “Look Up” by Taylor Olson

5. “Who Will” by Zach Lambert

6. “Little Things” by Christian Hobbs

7. “Mountains to Climb” by Erin Thomas

8. “Still and Quiet Moments” by McKenna Thomas

9. “I'm Changed” by Kaitlin Lunt

10. “If We Forget Ourselves” by Joseph Swain

11. “We'll be There” by Conlon Bonner and Josie Scere

12. “Good Friends” by Nik Day

13. “Wherever you Go” by Michael Richardson

All Credits To our church website.. Nothing Belongs To Me!

Find More Information about Youth Here! ^^^

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